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Compliance Management Blog- ESG, EHS, EHSQ

Quality, Environmental, Health, and Safety Compliance Tips

What ever happened to MIL-Q-9858?

One of our all-time best selling military specifications was MIL-Q-9858, “Quality Program Requirements.”  From 1958 to 1996, the document was a staple of the defense contracting system.  It provided guidance for a quality management system …

AMS-C-26074 on Electroless Nickel Coatings has been cancelled

AMS-C-26074 Cancellation Revision C has just been issued.  Titled “Electroless Nickel Coatings,” the specification covers the requirements for electroless (autocatalytic chemical reduction) deposition of nickel-phosphorous alloy coatings on metal and composite surfaces. The document replaced …

Whatever happened to MIL-STD-105?

MIL-STD-105, “Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes,” is another of those popular military standards that got cancelled during Mil Spec reform in the mid-1990’s.  The documents referenced in the cancellation notice can cause …

What ever happened to MIL-STD-45662?

MIL-STD-45662 was one of Document Center’s all time best selling standards, bar none.  It was the quality standard for calibration until Mil Spec reform took over in the mid-90’s.  So what ever happened to the …

Medical Devices – IEC 62366 and ANSI/AAMI HE75

Do you need help in finding the best practices guidance in medical device human factors engineering?  With the focus of good design being expanded to the entire product life cycle, the issue of insuring adequate …

AMS-C-26074 and MIL-C-26074 – An explanation of the revision path

When AMS-C-26074 (titled Coatings, Electroless Nickel, Requirements for) was released to replace MIL-C-26074 and then subsequently was canceled and then inactivated, it caused a great deal of confusion among users of the document.  In order to help you understand the current …

Toy Safety Standards – European Standards

The strong connection between European Union legislation and the corresponding “harmonized” standards has resulted in several important toy safety standards required for the sale of toys in Europe.  Released as EN standards, they can only …